It is with great pleasure that my oil Painting, Cultivate the Sea, is heading to the Comunale Pinacoteca di Arte Moderna in Teora, Italy, the ancestral home of my beloved grandmother, Ermelinda Fiore Napoliello. Teora is located in Central Italy, south of Naples, in the Province of Avellino, a Region of Campania. The Mayor Stefano Farina, whom I met in 2007, is responsible for acquiring my work for the town’s permanent collection as he is impressed with the significance of my connection to Teora.
The painting in the Pinacoteca (art gallery) will be from my Marietta Robusti Tintoretto series that tells of the life of the Venetian artist in the 15c. Marietta Tintoretto was the daughter of the great master Jacopo Tintoretto. You can read more about this series of work here.