November Exhibit

It’s Raining, It’s Pouring: A group exhibit at the Wiseman Gallery, Rogue Community College, Grants Pass, Oregon, will be showing 2 of my oil on canvas paintings, Lucent I and II, both 24” square. Karl Blake, Gallery Director is showcasing contemporary art that reflect issues relating to water—melting glaciers, radioactive water, oil contamination etc…The exhibition is scheduled November 2-December 9. More information can be found at or at 541-956-7339.

Lucent II

My statement for Lucent I and IItells of my concerns for our Polar ice regions that are experiencing melt downs at an alarming rate. This will impact our planet in many ways. The beauty of these environments distract from the drama that is the underbelly of climate change. My oil paintings are reductive color fields depicting my impressions of the delicate beauty of ice and water. I want to draw people into the work where they can then contemplate the deeper levels of meaning. It is necessary.

Kathleen Alaks writes about the exhibit in the Daily Courier, OR article stating, “Marietta Leis of New Mexico paints color as a subject. Her oil paintings, Lucent I and Lucent II, influenced by a seven-week trip she took to Alaska, are canvases of translucent, luminescent intense blue, capturing the delicate beauty of ice and water and representing the problems of climate change and the shrinking of polar ice caps”.